A Time of Waiting

Pastor Sal Massa

It was not for us to question God’s timing but it sure was tempting. We were packed and ready for the long journey ahead on Monday…..but God said wait. The frigid weather conditions around the country put air travel into a tailspin and literally flights fell off the schedules like dominoes. Our flight was cancelled and so we waited for Tuesday. Tuesday was not better. God said wait.  So we waited for Wednesday. After a morning of indecision, we took a step of faith and headed to the airport. We are now on our way. We are currently somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea.

Are you waiting for God to move in your life? As my granddaughter would say, “He feels you.” He feels our anxiety. He feels our frustration. He feels our fear about how things may not go our way.  He feels our sense of insecurity because under the circumstances we are not in control.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Even though we waited two days to board our flight, we know there was purpose in the waiting. Not sure if we’ll ever know why, but it’s enough to know that God is in control and He is sovereign in the wait. So in the midst of interrupted plans and cancelled schedules we are certain He is on our side. He has a plan…..and it’s a good one!

His timing is perfect. We can trust Him in a season of waiting because He knows the beginning from the end. Now…..our journey begins. Next Stop. . . .Bangalore.