Say YES to Jesus!

A very busy week of ministry has come and gone. We just returned from conducting a two day conference in a large city about 5 hours from the Lighthouse. Over three hundred hungry souls came to hear about the Rapture and Second Coming of Christ. At the conclusion of the conference, 86 pastors received certificates of achievement for completing the ZOOM study in 2023.

Attendees at 2 day End Times Conference
Pastors receive ZOOM certificates of achievement

Our biggest challenge was the summer heat beating down on a church full to capacity with no AC. God must send a supernatural air conditioning on Sal. He does not seem to be bothered by the heat. Viju always tells people we left our comfort zone to serve his nation. We humbly agree but saying “yes” to Jesus is the one common response each believer must give no matter what you are led to do.

The last sermon Sal preached before we retired (in 2017) from our beloved church was Say YES To Jesus. It’s a great reminder to keep on keeping on. Here we are seven years later only to find out we’re not retired….we are refired! Whatever doors the Lord opens we must say “yes” to Jesus. He’s coming back soon!

YES, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.  Isaiah 26:8

You can listen to Say YES  To Jesus here:

  • With a little more than two weeks left before we return to the US, please pray we finish well.
  • Sal will be preaching twice more and has a final conference on Monday.
  • Elena has two “Easter” Conferences next week and a final conference in Bangalore.

God has been with us. Your prayers have sustained us. His grace is more than sufficient.