CAM Widows Project

There are approximately 35 million widows in India.

Due to various reasons women are often left widowed at a young age to raise children without a proper means of support. This problem is especially difficult in the tribal areas where women have no education. Most tribal widows are Illiterate, live in extreme poverty and endure discrimination from family and neighbors. Statistics show that 85% of widows in India die sooner than married women.

Cross Angle Ministries has formed a social service with a gospel emphasis for young widows in the Niligris District of Tamil Nadu. The agency is managed by our ministry coordinator, Viju Jose and his wife, Ammu. Assistance is offered to widows in need in the following areas:

  • Filling out appropriate forms to apply for whatever government assistance they are eligible to receive.
  • Provide repairs and renovations as needed to their homes. They mostly live in government villages known as group homes. Many of the homes are deteriorating and in need of repairs.
  • Provide essential items such as blankets, sleeping mats and school supplies.
  • Provide counseling and emotional support.
  • Assist with finding jobs and training for them so they can earn a wage.

All services are important but most importantly, we also provide Bible Study and prayer meetings for those who are interested in growing closer to the God of the Bible. Through a relationship with God through Jesus, these women are finding hope and faith to face the future and trust God with their families and needs.

We are also blessed to have the spiritual support of local pastors and church leaders to disciple these precious women and their children.

Watch an overview of CAM Widows Project & other ministry outreach events

James 1:27, NLT: “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”