Our Crown of Boasting

Elena Massa

1 Thessalonians 2:19: “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of boasting in the presence of our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you?”

Today was a great day. Attending the local church here in the village is always joyful as we reunite with brothers and sisters in Christ. Sal preached  from Luke 5:1-12. The challenge was clear. . . Do what Jesus calls you to do even when it sounds impossible.

Many of the widows we serve attend this church. It was a thrill to hug these precious women. One lady was beaming ear to ear because she was wearing the sari that was gifted to her on Christmas from Cross Angle Ministries. At the recent Christmas Outreach there were over 148 widows in attendance. The gospel was presented and 23 ladies came forward to begin a relationship with the God of the Bible.

Widows Christmas 2024

Seeing Janeki and Malida today was a great blessing. These ladies are living examples of the joy and hope that Paul speaks about in 1 Thessalonians 2:19. We met Janeki in 2008. She was a poor, illiterate widow struggling to raise her two young children. She was miserable and desperate with no where to turn. She found joy and hope in Christ and has been a faithful servant of the Lord ever since. We found Malida living on the streets in 2019 at the age of 18. He husband abandoned her. Through Cross Angle Ministries we were able to find housing for her. She now receives monthly rations from the government and is attending church regularly where she is learning about the God of the Bible. These  ladies are just 2 examples of the reality of the “crown of boasting in the presence of our Lord Jesus at his coming.”  Please remember them and the other nearly 150 widows in the program.


Please pray for us this coming week. We have two conferences. Pray for Sal especially to have strength and stamina as he teaches and ministers to the attendees. Pray for safety and protection as we travel.