Happy Mother’s Day To Me

Every second Sunday of May we honor moms all over the country. We are reminded to call our moms, take them out for lunch, send them flowers or simply remember them because they have passed on. We wish each and every mom we meet a Happy Mother’s Day. But have you ever wished yourself a happy Mother’s Day?

Each year, on the second Sunday of May, I wake up, look in the mirror and wish myself a Happy Mother’s Day. It reminds me that I am happy because I was privileged to be the mom of four incredible people. I am happy because by the grace of God my husband and I were blessed to raise them in a stable, loving home. I am happy because they were given a Christian upbringing and trained according to God’s Word.

I was not a perfect mom! Just ask my kids. As I reflect on the years when our children were young, I am happy because I know our goal was to model walking in truth before our children. We did not always do it right, but God knows our hearts’ desire was to be the very best role models we could be. Our go-to parenting verse was  3 John 1:4: “I have no greater joy then to know that my children are walking in truth.”  No matter what the circumstances, that single verse challenged us to walk in truth so our kids could have a pattern to follow. My greatest encouragement was given by my oldest son when he was 18 years old. He said, “I respect you because no matter what I have put you through, you never have backed down on your commitment to Jesus Christ.”

Proverbs 31:28 says, “. . .her children rise up and call her blessed. . .” And so I am happy because I am blessed by the three sons and daughter God entrusted to us to raise.

If you are a mom, go to the mirror this Mother’s Day and say:


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