Last Sunday afternoon our granddaughter, Amber, spoke at a young ladies event. The girls ranged in age from 11-20. Amber’s message was one of encouragement and wisdom based on her own life and how God made the difference. She communicated the love of God in a way that truly made the girls feel special and accepted.
Monday CAM hosted a Pastors Fellowship. About 20 pastors joined together for a time of worship, prayer, teaching and lunch. Sal taught through the Book of Colossians on how to stay faithful to their calling.
Pastors Come Together
On Wednesday we made our way back to the big city where we would conduct two more conferences before we return home to the USA. Thursday Sal presented the Tabernacle. We were honored that Erich from our home church in Estero, Florida was able to attend. It was really great to see him.
Enjoyed a visit from fellow American, Erich
On Saturday, Elena spoke at the annual Women’s Day event hosted by The Ark of the Rainbow Ministries. The auditorium was filled with a sea of smiling faces and colorful saris. Twenty five women responded to the gospel message.
Ark of the Rainbow Women’s Event
We closed our time here with Sal preaching once more on Sunday. This time it was an English only audience….no interpreter. You can watch the message by clicking the link and scrolling to marker 38:
The trip began with heavy fire from the enemy. Aside from health issues (all resolved) our ministry vehicle broke down. It remained in the repair shop for a large portion of the trip forcing us to travel in a small 4 passenger Nissan. As a result, Elena suffered with frequent bouts of car sickness due to the rough rides to and from venues. It also forced us to purchase a new SUV which was not in the budget for this year. But the greater the problems, the greater the results at each event. The Devil had a plan but God had a better plan. We were able to carry on. All events accomplished what we believe God gave us to do.
It is now time to turn our hearts toward home. Thank you so much for your prayer support. Thanks to all who texted and commented. It means so much to know you had us in your thoughts.
Lord there is no one like you! For you are great and your name is full of power. Who would not fear you, O King of nations? That title belongs to you alone! Among all the wise people of the earth and in all the kingdoms of the world, there is no one like you. Jeremiah 10:6-7