Darkness and (The) Light

Pastor Sal Massa

India is certainly a country of dramatic contrast. Not only are there extremes socially, politically, and economically, but the most obvious is spiritually. On Monday, the entire nation participated in a great celebration. Streets everywhere were decorated with orange streamers. People gathered on street corners where loud music, dancing, singing and fireworks commemorated the opening of a temple dedicated to one of India’s most revered gods. The cost of building the temple was $200 million and is seen as a political move to turn India away from any other religious group. It is the third largest Hindu temple in the world. Interestingly enough, the second largest Hindu temple is in New Jersey.  It is so sad to watch countless millions of precious people being led down a highway of darkness that separates them from the one true God.

The scriptures are clear:

 The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; Eyes they have, but they do not see; They have ears, but they do not hear; Nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them are like them; So is everyone who trusts in them.  Psalm 135:15-17

….And then there was (THE) LIGHT!

Future pastors and church leaders

No where in this world is it so dark that Jesus cannot shatter the darkness. On Monday, Sal spoke at a Bible college on Modern Assaults on the Christian Church. The school principal told us that 90% of the students are training to be pastors….bright lights who will illuminate the darkness.


23 new converts welcomed into the family of God

On Tuesday, Elena spoke at a women’s organization to an audience of nearly 200. The topic was Faith Under Construction with selective verses from the Book of James. Twenty three precious women stepped out of the darkness at the conclusion of the event into God’s marvelous light.


From June-December 2023, Sal met with a group of pastors by way of ZOOM. On Wednesday we were happy to meet this class in person. Following a teaching on the End Times, the pastors were presented with certificates of achievement for completing the ZOOM course. In total, 73 pastors and 10 evangelists were in attendance for this happy gathering. These ministers of God are like candles bringing the flame of God’s Word to churches all over the city.

This unconditional promise is recorded in John 1:5:     The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.  NLT

The light of the Gospel will shine in this dark nation until Jesus comes again.

Please keep us in prayer as we travel tomorrow and present three conferences over four days. Pray for spiritual and physical protection. Pray for God’s blessing to cover all details and aspects of the meetings. Pray for those attending to be blessed and encouraged.