We are living in a time that points strongly to the fulfillment of End Time prophecy like never before. Though we do not know the exact time, we must not ignore the teachings given in Scripture regarding the last days. It is increasingly obvious that the time of the Lord’s coming is drawing near. Prophecy is being fulfilled in our day.
Sal Massa will present concise teachings based on the Scriptures to help you understand the times we live in and how they are fulfilling what was recorded in the Bible regarding the end of days.
The End Times Conference series spans the books of Daniel and Revelation and include various sessions on The Rapture, The Judgement Seat of Christ, The 7 Year Tribulation, The Seal, Trumpet and Bowl Judgments, The Two Witnesses, The 144,000, the Antichrist, The Millennial Kingdom, The Great White Thrown Judgement and The Eternal State.
End Times topics include the followings options:
- Option 1: 1 hour session on an overview of the book of Revelation
- Option 2: 1 hour session on and overview of the book of Daniel
- Option 3: 1 hour session on The Current Signs of The Times
- Option 4: 3 one hour sessions on the book of Revelation
- Option 5: 4 one hour sessions on the book of Revelation
- Option 6: 6 one hour sessions on the book of Revelation
- Option 7: 9 one hour sessions on the book of Daniel, Signs of the Times, Revelation