We Are All The Same

Pastor Sal Massa

One thing I’ve learned by being immersed in the Indian culture is that we are all the same. Today, I had the privilege of sharing that thought with 43 village women who came to a Ladies Day Event here at the camp. I shared how even though we look and talk differently, we are all created in the image and likeness of the One True God. I explained how our souls long for a relationship with the God of the Bible. I shared 5 areas of a woman’s life that needs God’s help: our minds, our hearts, our mouths, our bodies and our emotions.

I spoke for 2 hours with an interpreter. After the message many woman came forward to ask for prayer.

Woman needing prayer

The event was promoted through the three Quiet Corner Churches. I thought that my audience was all Christian. I was told that only 15 women were from the churches. The rest were Hindu women. Most of the ladies who asked for prayer were Hindu! Each was offered a Bible if they wanted it. Also, each woman was presented with a new sari and treated to a hot lunch. I will forever have a snap shot in my mind of Pastor Benjamin driving some of the ladies home in the 12 passenger mini-bus packed with 30 women. Only in India!

All received a new sari.

I’ve spent the rest of this day thanking God for giving me the opportunity to speak to these precious women. We have been quite cautious and careful to keep a low profile with the local authorities. When we walk through the villages we do not to speak of our faith or give anyone cause to accuse us of evangelizing. But God has His own ways and plans. He brought these precious women to us. They came with burdens and no hope. They left refreshed and heard a message of hope. Please pray that they will continue to search for the One True God. Next Wednesday, there will be a men’s event. Pray for Sal as he prepares for it. Pray God will bring men here that need a message of hope.

If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. Jeremiah 29:13

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